Providing Physical and Spiritual Needs.

The plight of Widows

India is the country with the largest widow population in the world. It is estimated there are 40 million widows in India today – 10 per cent of the country’s female population. It has become home to the “husbandless”.
On news of their husband’s death, the wives break their bangles as they can no longer wear jewellery or use sindhoor – the red powder women wear in their parting and on their foreheads to denote their married status. Many widows are thrown out of family homes by their children or abandoned by their in-laws. Unfortunately, without a man by her side a woman has no respect in rural Indian society.It is part of a patriarchal culture where a woman is respected only if she is a mother, daughter and wife.
The widows are the unacceptable face of India, many leading agencies including Central and Local Governments have failed them, Politicians with rare exceptions have ignored them and wider society continues to exploit them.
We act as guardians for a number of widows who live alone and do not have the means to support themselves.
As we going to the villages to preach the Gospel. We saw many widows who are begging on the streets. Some of them are not able to have even one time meals. When we saw them. We remembered the Lord saying, the villages are scattered around with sheep without a shepered. The Lord means to say, a holistic way of reaching the widows with the Gospel. Such widows are without help and care in the villages. Now we are able to look after them with partial help by giving cloths. Food and free medicines. In the near future we have plan to make shelter from them. We are praying to the lord to get the required resources from agencies and churches to continue the ministry. We appreciate your prayers. If you are interested to assist this ministry please let us know, we will be glad to contact you. Altogether let us care the widows and bless them with the salvation from lord Jesus Christ.


Women’s Ministries Women have a natural grace and beauty that often becomes hidden in the rat race of an ever-busy life and world around them. At COCSSO, our heart’s desire for women of all ages is that they are restored and strengthened through God’s word, and coming to know His incredible love for them.
Our goal is to equip women to become all that God has called and destined them to be as the captivating creation of His design. Our hope is to empower and encourage women of all ages to develop and use their gifts and talents for further ministry and discipleship within the Body of Christ.
As you gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom in His Word, God will empower you to walk in total freedom in Christ.
Through small discipleship groups, large corporate teaching sessions, women’s prayer groups and light-hearted fun-filled events we hope to promote a community where friendships and the love of God can flow freely from one woman to another. We would love to have you share the joy of discovering God’s Purpose, Plan and Place for your life!